Thursday, May 19, 2011


This is a story. More specifically, this is a story with a principle. Moreover, this is a story (with principle) about four individuals, aged respectively, named Everyone, Someone, Anyone, and No One. Now these four individuals were a valiant bunch, strong and brave and smart. So it was only fitting that one day, the four were given a special task to complete; one of upmost importance. Upon convening with one another to sort that task out among one of them, Everyone was asked to complete this task. Now, dear Everyone was sure that Someone would do it, so he lazily ignored the job, as he was eldest. While Anyone could have worked this task, finally, No One completed it. This notion angered the fiery middle-brother Someone, because it was, after all, Everyone's task. It was quite obvious, however, to Everyone that Anyone could have done this job just as well as he. Alas, keen No One understood that neither Everyone, nor Anyone, would not do it. The final result? Everyone blamed Someone when No One did what Anyone could have done.

The End

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