Monday, September 5, 2011

Icecream with Brian

So I took my brother Brian out for ice-cream after school the other day:
Exiting the yogurt line, our bowls filled with ice-cream, we made our way down to line of toppings; effectively starting the extremely difficult process of choosing between favorites.
Cognizant of the price per ounce, I strategically graced the top of my yogurt with a combination of gummy bears and toasted coconut. Placing my finished product on the scale, I looked down with a sense of pride—I had created a perfect combination of flavors, all for under 6 ounces. I heard Brian place his finished product on the scale and turned my attention to the cashier who was ringing us up—“That will be 12 dollars and 23 cents," she said with a smile. I froze before glancing at the scale and doubletook—
the scale read 1.6 pounds!
I swiveled my gaze slighty downward and jumped back in shock at the grotesque sight I now beheld:
Sitting on the scale, absolutely dwarfing my bowl ,was a liberal portion of ice-cream large enough to feed three starving teenagers. This bowl, however, was intended for just one teenager—Brian.
I leaned closer and examined his toppings.
"Brian, are those…Fruit Loops?" I asked wearily.
"Yeah!"—he replied buoyantly— “and Captain Crunch!”
I looked down at the bowl again--My goodness! He speaks the truth!

"...and...I guess…those are nerds,"
I inquired, pointing to the array of colored candy.

" you suppose you have enough gummy worms on your yogurt?" I asked, referring to the large clump of frozen worms that pointedly intruded the airspace three inches above his bowl's rim.
—I didn't wait for his reply—
I sighed and handed the still-smiling cashier my credit card, and watched as she swiped it in a flash of plastic.
Now twelve dollars poorer, I received my card back with a “thank you,” and, after pocketing it, I met my brother's gaze and uttered,

"Brian, you are one darn expensive girlfriend."

I left him in favor of searching for a seat, laughing to myself under my breath. My brother, though undoubtedly unaware of his monetary footprint on my wallet, was hopefully at least vaguely aware of how much he was worth to me:

Absolutely Priceless