Friday, May 20, 2011

As The Moon

Moon. Such a dynamic word, it is, though not nearly as dynamic as the moon itself. When mentioned, this word brings to mind the notion of peace, the feeling of serenity, and an overwhelming sense of joy that only accompanies the ability to grasp seemingly immortal beauty in its purest form.

Also symbolically mysterious, the moon's past is riddled with wonder and speculation upon its meaning and purpose.

Inspiring, the moon has influenced the human race to exceed their gravitational boundaries and push for greater purposes, almost as artfully as it influences the waves.

The moon, though merely a reflection of something greater, has found its meaning, its purpose; it's essential self, in simply being the reflector of a greater light. The moon, dark and cratered on its own, finds it's light by reflecting the Sun's. The moon shines, not of its own accord, but by reflecting light omitted from elsewhere. No, the moon is not original, but the need to be isn't there. The moon's light is cleanly beautiful, and generations upon generations have marveled wondrously at the beauty of this light.

I pray that I would be, in this way, as the moon. Instead of striving to be original or cool or something of that like, I pray that my life would wholly reflect my Creator's light. I pray that when people see me, they do not see a hip, cool, funny, _____ (<fill in the blank) individual; rather, I long that people would look at my life and see the Creator.

From now on, my life will reflect beauty in its purest form; the form of perfect love.

From now until I die, my life will be a light that lost souls speculate of, that sad hearts look to in wonder, giving me the opportunity to further glorify my Savior and my Creator.

My life will influence the ones around me to push for something greater, to pull away from the 'gravitational pull of bondage, sin and life without Christ.

From this day forward, I will be as the moon, reflecting a greater light. Unlike the moon, I will be reflecting the greatest light.


  1. Tom...Where the heck does this come from?!

  2. Really?! Do you think I'm this hollow joke or something?!
