Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It rains in my Father's world.

The noise of the Kordsiemon household quietly fades away as the screeching cracks of lightening and epic booms of thunder pierce the air. The afternoon sky has, over the last few hours, gradually become dark—a harbinger of impending rain and an excuse to burn softly lit candles. After a dramatic opening, the rain is pounding the windows and roof and...mmm, very possibly my dog…

Peanut Gallery Detour: My dog is a Schnauzer. She is pretty much spoiled and has adopted the paradigm that she is the last remaining defense, the essential dividing line between her family (us) and the great evil that surrounds us (the neighbors apparently). Our valiant defender with the shrill bark, e.i. Havi, is afraid of nothing. *ahem* Almost nothing. Her deepest fear involves the other lady of the household (mother), and bathtime. Any variation of these elements are equally frightening to her. On this particular day, whilst the rain gives the hard soil a bath, our poor guardian looks in the window angrily, as she as well  is having to participate in an unscheduled bath-period. Anyway...

Even on a splendid day like today, where I'm found sleeping in for once and otherwise enjoying a splendid and rare day off, in the back of my mind, my troubles exist quite loudly. Even this lovely afternoon, when one could see me proudly reading over my work in bliss, what could not be seen was how my heart broke at the mere mentioning of a dear friend in a casual conversation. Yet, as I pick up the pieces and prepare to immerse myself in the imaginary world in which my only troubles are simply finding the perfect words to convey brilliancy, my troubles still distress me as I start to plug in my headphones and prepare to dive off the cliff of imagination. And then...

...the rain falls, and I remember. While listening to the thunder roar, the rain fall, and my dog yelp, I remember comfortingly that yesterday, right now, tomorrow, and forever, my God is here. As my troubles scream all around me, He puts His hand on my shoulder. As I’m in tears on the floor, he’s sitting beside me, offering His shoulder as a place to bury my head. Even now, as I write down this inspired blogpost, with the rain beginning to calm down, He smiles down on me. He is my constant. He never fails me; He never leaves me. Father, I am so sorry that I become so wrapped up in my little world, and forget that I’m in my Father’s world. Yes, it rains here--not always the good kind of rain, but in my Father's world, He makes oceans from the rain. 
If you haven’t put two and two together, this sort of weather has a very calming effect on me. As I press on writing, I take the earphones out of my ears, choosing instead to listen to God's background music. Silently, with my trusty coffee mug sitting beside me, and God’s love with me, I take a breath and a moment to thank God for all that He has created for and given to me. Days like this remind me that with all my troubles and fears, all my worries and problems, all my sadness and never-ending pain, He is here. Be still and know I'm here, He says gently. In an inconstant world where the grounds shake, the earth quakes and emotions lose themselves, He is constant. 

"All my life, you have never left my side. You are my constant." --Francesca Battistelli

This is My Father's World--Song

1 comment:

  1. Inspired by a true and deep love within. It blesses a father's heart to see his son meditate and reflect upon God. Good things will come from that! Only question remains, did you let the dog in?
