Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Train of Thought Serves Toast?!

The oddest thing happened to me this morning. After my morning ritual of taking a shower...

...what's wrong? Don't you take one every morning?! THEN ITS A RITUAL!! Shakes head, scowling with mouth half open 

*ahem* Aaaanyway...

...Hair wet and clothes new, and garnered with the minty freshness only a toothbrush can brandish, I opened the bathroom door, and immediately felt quite strange as the warm steam poured out from the bathroom, seemingly pursuing me. I stood in silence for a moment, trying to place why this morning air felt so very strange. I poked my head into a bedroom, warily, not quite sure of why I was being wary. The room was empty. I walked cautiously into the living room, and 'it' hit me:

It was quite cold in the living room.

Frowning, I walked into the kitchen wishing that I had donned a sweater. As I punctured the invisible separating line between the living room and the kitchen which existed somewhere within the doorway, I was hit by yet another realization--It was quiet.

Too quiet.

I had a nagging thought, trying to enlighten me, yet I couldn't place it. Suddenly, the exhausted realization that had been trying valiantly to board my morning train of thought since my leaving the bathroom, climbed aboard, made its way to the train's caboose, and whispered enlightenment into the conductor's ear.

Peanut Gallery Detour: Isn't it just annoying to have a thought, word, or witty line on the tip of your tongue, the outskirts of your mind, the essential perimeter of your being, yet finding a profound inability to summon it close enough for practical useage? This sort of occurrence is one that overtakes me far too often, and I believe I know why. I believe  the frequency of these phenomena is directly affected by the frozen-dairy related brainfreeze. 'Nuff said for now.

The train picked up speed, fueled by a sudden realization. I realized, as I stood into the kitchen, that I was quite alone. Slightly confused as my loud and busy family had occupied the house's grounds, even as I had jumped into the shower. At this point I felt kinda...well kinda... was then that I caught smell of something absolutely delightfully pleasant. I looked down, as I found myself standing over the table. There, on a small plate, was a warm and buttery piece of toast, which was complimented nicely with the brim-filled glass of orange juice that was sitting beside it.


Delighted, I grabbed my newfound company, and strolled out the door, absolutely forgetting the sense of lonliness that had accompanied what I had realized just thirty seconds before.


  1. Woh...You should write a book.

  2. You rock, Tom! Best writer I know, by far... Enjoy every read.

  3. Wow I've never read something so hot in my life 😂😂😂
